We initially engaged Murray as a consultant to help inspire, motivate and educate our organisation on communication skills, curiosity, empathy skills and understanding around customers and what customers are experiencing. The feedback from the team was spectacular, they couldn’t get enough of Murray, they were motivated and inspired by him. Beyond that we got him back with different groups of customers and eventually asked Murray to be a Keynote speaker at our major National Conference, he has just been delightful to work with.
Vice President Asia/Pacific
Your session set us up so well for our retreat. Without prompt, the following snippets from your session were used:
“Stress-test” was used at least 12 times over the 2 days.
Backwash came up quite regularly
Same side of table was used to highlight an example the person was trying to convey
Multiply vs addition ~ 5 times
Advice monster ~5 times
Beautiful adventure ~ 6 times.
I have never seen new learnings used so prolifically and in such an organic natural way. Whenever someone did use something, it was noted by the team and praised.
Your session was called out as one of the highlights of the retreat.
Thank you once again.
Head of Global Engineering Excellence
Was such a great way to start the day!! Engaging, energetic, motivating and inspiring! Every Friday should start this way 😀
Head of Partnerships, Programs and Innovation
Murray is human Red Bull!
Brendon Hawthorn
CPA Congress Brisbane – One of the best sessions all day
– Fantastic and energising
CPA Congress delegate feedback
– “I thought the session was excellent. The content was great, presented very well and most of all it was funny.”
– “I attended your session at the CPA Congress in Adelaide last week and have been inspired to take control of my health!”
– “I just wanted to say thank you for an inspiring and highly motivational presentation on Building a Peak Performance Environment at the Darwin CPA Congress today. I found your energy and enthusiasm uplifting, your anecdotes interesting – I was so thoroughly engaged I did not notice the time passing!!!!”
CPA Congress Melbourne
– Very enjoyable
– His enthusiasm was infectious
– Excellent presentation. Motivating speaker. Incredibly relevant and knowledgeable.
– Very engaging.
– Very personable, well presented with lots of energy.
– Real world and practical. Good message and wrap up of health and wellbeing in 1 hr.
– “Very dynamic and inspirational, some good Work life balance tips”
“In over 30 years I have only ever twice walked away from these types of sessions genuinely feeling energised and motivated. The first was back in the 90’s when I went to hear Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior) speak. The second was your session yesterday. This was the first time I had heard you speak and wished I had been to one of your sessions sooner.” Winning Wellbeing: University of QLD Wellness Program
One of the outstanding presentations I have ever been fortunate to be a witness to. Usually I take away 1 or 2 thoughts or suggestions, during your presentation I wrote (stole |borrowed) 7 pages of helpful solutions to inspire me and other’s.
Manager Finance and Business Services
Murray gave a quick fitness demo whilst talking about the Five Facets of Powerful, Vibrant Women at LGMA Queensland’s Women in Local Govt. Excellence Forum – amazing presentation thanks Murray!