“This series of 6×1 hour lectures will help you curate a toolbox of personal strengths to enrich your professional and personal life. “
When it comes to Medicine, wouldn’t it be great if being brilliant were enough! As you integrate your medical expertise into the real world of practicing medicine, these skills will enhance your effectiveness in working with colleagues, support teams and patients.
Studying medicine can be like drinking from a fire hose for a decade, it is an extraordinary accomplishment. These skills will help broaden your capacity to build a rewarding career and a happy life.
1. The power of a plan
We explore the question ‘do you want a successful career or a career that makes you successful’ to clarify what is important to you in the next 10 years (120 months) and how to make it happen.
2. Values & Goals
Determining the compass of your life. What are they, why they are underestimated and how to establish them to radically improve your results?
3. Raising your standards
What are the approaches and attitudes that help you experience personal excellence and learn how you can apply that to teams you lead and work with.
4. Building a high performance team
Leadership styles that encourage low tension, high trust, effective working relationships
5. How to communicate effectively with those around you
We explore the Critical Alignment Model that gives you a tool you will use often in your life to give your communication clarity and purpose
6. Becoming a free range human
How to create an environment where excellence is possible. Life is about memories, relationships and experiences so we illuminate the field of possibilities that is your future, combining your powerful intellect with directed expectation.